Homemade Bug Dope

Ok.  It’s not really a homemade bug dope.  It’s more like a DIY salve or DIY balm.  It’s super easy to make, it’s natural, and it works!Homemade Bug Repellant

Puppy LoveA little history on why I combed the internet to find ideas on how to make an effective, natural bug repellent.  We have a new puppy….  She gets chewed by black flies and mosquitoes!  It’s horrible, and I want to be a great puppy parent and avoid chemicals.  I also garden, and this planting season was absolutely the buggiest ever!  I came up with a bug repellent salve that will work for both my puppy and myself.  The process took me less than 30 minutes.  Try it!!

Here’s how:

Homemade Bug RepellentChop or grate 2 TBSP of beeswax.  This makes melting easier (faster).

Scoop 1 TBSP of coconut oil and add to the beeswax in a glass or metal container that can be placed in a double boiler.  I put the ingredients in an old glass jar and placed it in a saucepan with water.

After melting the beeswax and coconut oil together, remove from the double boiler and add approximately 20 drops of essential oils.   Pour the mixture into whatever container you want – a shallow tin to keep in your backpack or a small glass jar for the car perhaps?  Allow your mixture to cool.

ButterflyI combined tea tree, lemongrass, and citronella oils (5 drops each tea tree and lemongrass with 10 drops citronella).   I used recycled 1 oz. glass jars with metal lids.  Lavender oil is another option that would be great to use.
My house smelled divine after making this salve, my puppy wasn’t offended by its use, and my gardening was much more pleasant.


Garden with solar panelsYou may also like these links about DIY weed killer, garden gates, preserving the garden, and a garden vegetable omelette!  Enjoy your summer OUTDOORS!

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