
Aloe Vera for Eczema – Nature’s Natural Cure for Eczema

Aloe Vera Plant

I have had eczema off and on for 20 years. Sometimes it is a tiny little spot that lasts a few days and others it is a few more spots. I’ve never had hand eczema as bad as this last time though! Wow, it has taken over a month for any relief. I’ve tried the steroids doctors give for eczema, over the counter creams that normally work, and nothing would touch this… until I tried Aloe Vera! I strongly feel that Aloe Vera for eczema is the best natural remedy. It’s done wonders in curing my hand eczema!

Aloe Vera Plant for eczema cure

I forgot my medicine at home one day when I went to work and was desperate to moisturize my cracked, itching, and bleeding hands. Luckily, there was a small package of Aloe Vera gel in our First Aid kit. Instantly, it soothed my hands! I put it on all day and it helped a lot but within 5 minutes of applying it, my hands dried right back out and the uncomfortable cracking feeling returned.

When I started googling about Aloe Vera, I found it has many wonderful attributes. The vitamins and minerals in it are great for overall health and pure aloe works great for alleviating symptoms of eczema and curing it. Bill and I went to Hannaford and found a big leaf of Aloe. We cut it open and wiped it on my hand. I brought a piece to work and continued to do this throughout the day. It still dried out too fast. Knowledge is power… so…

Skin of an Aloe Vera plant Bandages with Aloe Vera under themInside gel of Aloe Vera plant


After work, I did more research on how to get the gel out of the leaf because it’s rather solid. I’m glad I did because I learned a lot and my aloe plant went a lot further!

The trick is to peel off the green with a knife. I used the green peelings to put against my skin and then wrap with bandages for hours of relief. Within 1 day there was a miraculous change in my skin condition!

I cut up the white gel from inside the plant and stored it in a plastic container. I’ve been eating little pieces of it because it has so many added health benefits.

In addition, I also use it to wipe on my face in the mornings to help with my complexion. It makes my face feel and appear smoother.

I am so happy I found Aloe Vera for my eczema. It has relieved the pain and suffering I experience from it and I’m hoping it will keep other outbreaks at bay or even nonexistent.

If you aren’t someone who wants to deal with cutting up the aloe plant, you can order a gel that is 99.75% aloe vera by clicking here.


Eczema Cure Proof

Below are pictures of my hands and the different stages they have gone through.

Hand Eczema Before Aloe Vera
Hand Eczema Before Aloe Vera
Hand Eczema after one day of using Aloe Vera
Hand Eczema after one day of using Aloe Vera
3 days after I started using Aloe Vera gel for my hand eczema
3 days after I started using Aloe Vera gel for my hand eczema

Hand eczema is worse during colder months for me. The relief I experience from using Aloe Vera is incredible. I hope this post brings you relief!


Do you have other methods to relieve symptoms? Please share them!

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10 thoughts on “Aloe Vera for Eczema – Nature’s Natural Cure for Eczema”

  1. Katherine S, Black

    I have had eczema since I was born and nothing ever cures it,just calms it down for a while. My doctor prescribes an ointment for me called Clobetasol Propionate Ointment 5%. I can’t use cream because it doesn’t work as well. I also use Aveeno moisturizer for dry itchy skin and Eucerin cream on my body as soon as I get out of the shower on my soaking wet skin so it can soak in better and stay moistureized. I hope this information will help you..

    Kathy S. Black

  2. Fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I do.t have eczema, but I am covered in psoriasis so I am gonna try it for that and see if it helps. If so I will definitely let everyone know! Have a Great Day!

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  4. Pingback: Natural Eczema Treatments | Relieve Eczema Symptoms

  5. I used to suffer with severe hand eczema so I can completely understand the struggle! Over the years I have tried all types of creams, prescriptions and over the counter. Nothing has ever worked. I received the Made from Earth Pure Aloe Treatment on 1/2018 and I immediately put it on. I was pleasantly surprised at how it soothed my sore hands, even with this first application. On the second day I was shocked at how my hands felt and the pain wasn’t as bad, I can honestly say I saw a difference . It only gets better with each passing day. I have been using it now for 4 days and my hands haven’t looked or felt this good in a very long time!!!!! I just placed an order for 4 more jars.

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