Time! You know T I M E is the best gift to receive and to give. Here’s some encouragement to make sure it’s at the top of your list during the holidays.
1. Dust off your BOARD GAMES and play some oldies and goodies like Boggle, Scrabble, Cribbage, or Chutes and Ladders! Have a tournament where the winner chooses what’s for dinner — or doesn’t have to do the dishes. And, yes, it’s okay if your children aren’t the winners. This is a great life lesson and there’s no one better to teach it than you.
2. Enjoy a WALK together! Go down a new street, a different park, or delve into a nearby forest. How many different species of trees can you spot? Who will see the most animals? Which animals are hibernating? Make this walk brisk or leisurely. Your heart will enjoy either version.
3. If you live where there’s snow, go SNOWSHOEING or CROSS COUNTRY SKIING! Take turns breaking the trail so no one is overwhelmed. It’s pretty cool to look back on the tracks you’ll make.
4. Rent a MOVIE or find one your family hasn’t watched in years! While you’re at it, make some POPCORN! I love my popcorn with some nutritional yeast and REAL butter. Make a huge batch and let everyone doctor up their own bowl.
5. It goes without saying that BAKING is fun for everyone! Pull out a recipe that’s been in the family for years. If you don’t have one, browse our recipes. Your children will appreciate knowing how it’s prepared. Many hands make clean-up a breeze.
6. My boys love to do chin-ups. They challenge each other – and me. I’m working on it… Maybe have a contest of the most sit-ups done in one minute or maximum number of push-ups.
7. One of my favorite gifts of time is READING aloud! My boys have graduated, and they still enjoy a good read-aloud book. Take turns reading and change your voice for added excitement.
This year give the most precious gift of all: YOUR TIME! You won’t regret it. Promise.
What are you doing this Christmas to give a piece of yourself?